Pakistan-Russia Relations: The Afghanistan Factor


  • Aman Ullah
  • Noor Fatima


Historically, Afghanistan has had a deep impact on Pakistan-Russia relations, though
not positive. The prevalent geopolitical realities also suggest that Moscow and
Islamabad have multiple avenues of cooperation for mutual benefits. The two countries
have various similarities of interest vis a vis Afghanistan, which necessitate bilateral
cooperation. The study elucidates the importance of Afghanistan in Pak-Russia bilateral
relations. Both states have a couple of shared objectives vis a vis Afghanistan such as
elimination of terrorism and extremism, end to violence, control of narcotics smuggling
and promotion of regional connectivity. Realist theory provides an appropriate
framework to conduct this study that also entails discussion on Russia’s pursuit for
maximization of power. After the US withdrawal from Afghanistan, the war ravaged
country had been facing critical situation with impending humanitarian crisis caused
by shortage of food and medicine, recognition of the current Taliban government by the
world and economic meltdown. Both Pakistan and Russia had appealed the world to
stay engaged with the new Taliban government to avert humanitarian crisis. While
Pakistan’s historical alliance with the United States and Russia’s traditional strong ties
with India had been important factors in Pakistan-Russia ties, Afghanistan factor
appeared to be a dominant factor.



How to Cite

Aman Ullah, & Noor Fatima. (2022). Pakistan-Russia Relations: The Afghanistan Factor. ASIAN Journal of International Peace & Security (AJIPS), 6(2), 1 - 13. Retrieved from