The 21st Century World Order: Rise of China and Challenges to American Global Hegemony


  • Hassan Farooq
  • Muhammad Khan
  • Muhammad Saeed Uzzaman


The dynamics of global power politics have been consistently changing from multipolar to bipolar and
lastly the unipolar structure in the past century. Washington proclaimed an overriding leadership role
for itself and started enjoying its unique status of uncontested hegemony in the global politics. The rest
of the nations; neither alone nor collectively could challenge the American worldwide supremacy.
However, the American unilateralist approach in various international political issues ensued
insecurity and even annoyance in some of the regional powers like; China and Russia. Therefore, in the
past couple of decades the emergence of new power centers, particularly the rising China and the
resurging of Russia and their strategic alignment; and the relative decline of the US; clearly indicate
that the American hegemony shall no more exist. The dynamics of international politics are
undoubtedly heading towards the transition of the world system to a multipolar world order; where
besides the US, China and Russia will play a significant role.



How to Cite

Hassan Farooq, Muhammad Khan, & Muhammad Saeed Uzzaman. (2020). The 21st Century World Order: Rise of China and Challenges to American Global Hegemony . ASIAN Journal of International Peace & Security (AJIPS), 4(2), 01 - 12. Retrieved from


